CF2000 designed to fit the needs of early-stage MND patients to promote independence in their personal care routine. The project includes market research, user insights, and continuous prototyping to improve and materialise the concept.
Our product planning process involved a double diamond design process starting with desk research, initial sketches, and market analysis, followed by user feedback. This was followed by digital and physical prototyping to consider issues such as power and load components, energy consumption, and anthropometric data. We considered the assembly process, compliance regulations, safety regulations, packaging designs, and a user manual, before arriving at a final design which we successfully made into a working prototype, which was iterated and improved to accommodate hand sizes, mechanism housing, and a working razor. Each significant stage warranted a conversation with our user, and feedback lead the way for the majority of our focus and inspiration for any iterations.
The portfolio is displayed below, alongside a report that goes in-depth about the product and user research.

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